College Interviews: The Do’s & Don’ts

by Geethalakshmi 2010-04-06 14:51:34

College Interviews: The Do’s & Don’ts

A college interview evens the playing field between school candidates. The interview is your chance to tell a school everything that your grades and test scores couldn't. While every interview is a unique experience, there are a few general do's and don'ts that can give you confidence and ensure your success.


* Do plan to arrive at least ten minutes early. Know where the interview location is and know how long it takes to get there.
* Do prepare and practice answers for common interview questions. Don’t wait until the night before to begin preparation. The sooner you start, the more comfortable you will be.
* Do dress for success. Jeans and T-shirts have no place at an interview. When in doubt, be conservative.
* Do turn off your cell phone or better yet, don't take it into the interview.
* Do greet the interviewer by title and last name. If you are given a tour of the facility, greet every person you see with courtesy and respect.
* Do shake hands firmly.
* Do wait to be offered a chair before sitting.
* Do remember posture and body language. Look interested at all times and refrain from fidgeting.
* Do stress your achievements. Remember that this is your chance to sell yourself.
* Do ask intelligent questions about the school, programs, and faculty. Show enthusiasm where appropriate.
* Do close the interview by verifying your interest in the school.


* Don't reschedule the interview unless it is absolutely unavoidable.
* Don't forget the interviewer's name.
* Don’t forget to smile!
* Don't answer every question with a simple yes or no. Elaborate on your answers whenever possible.
* Don’t lie. Answer questions honestly and frankly.
* Don't ever offer any negative information about yourself.
* Don't forget to verbally thank the interviewer for their time and consideration.
* Don't forget to promptly send a thank you note to the interviewer.

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