National seminar held on social entrepreneurship

by sabitha 2010-04-07 10:00:29

TIRUCHI: Benefits of development have not been properly distributed and the arrangements to redistribute the benefits have not been adequately implemented in the country.

Non-government organisations play their part to make society sustain and expand, and society is also supported by CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) activities of the corporate world.

Culling out the best practices in the functioning of NGOs and the CSR activities was the objective of the two-day national seminar on ‘Social Entrepreneurship and Corporate Social Responsibility – role in Women Development' organised by the Department of Women's Studies, Bharathidasan University, recently.

Representatives of NGOs, public sector, private sector, researchers, academicians, students, scholars and activists took part in the deliberations to arrive at policy conclusions. Guidelines advocating funds allotment on a priority basis under CSR for bringing about real contribution to development and social development were evolved, Professor and Department Director N. Manimekalai said.

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