TNTA scheme for underprivileged boys

by sabitha 2010-04-07 10:13:12

Chennai: The Tamil Nadu Tennis Association on Tuesday announced its plans to enhance developmental activities by providing professional coaching for underprivileged children, improving the standards of coaching in the districts and providing talented youngsters with international training and tournament exposure.

The scheme for underprivileged boys will include providing them coaching with the TNTA's supervision and in consultation with experts, and monitoring their diet and nutritional needs. The boys selected in the 9-13 age-group are Oges (10), Thangadurai (13), Moh. Javed (10), Ebenezer (11), Vijaya Kumar (11) and Bharat (11).

“Our aim is to enhance coaching at the grassroots. We are trying to take the game beyond social barriers. Cricket is a huge success because it has successfully reached all sections of the society. The TNTA is committed to providing all the support to boys who are hungry and willing to work hard,” said Karti Chidambaram, vice-president, TNTA, at a press conference. The TNTA is also looking to implement such a scheme in the Districts.

M.A. Alagappan, president, TNTA, said that girls would soon be included in the scheme, and was hopeful of support from the government for the scheme

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