Google Analytics Website Visitor Tracking

by Geethalakshmi 2010-04-21 11:15:06

Google Analytics Website Visitor Tracking

Google Analytics provides free information about the way visitors to your site interact with it. It is an invaluable tool that all webmasters should use if they don't already have some form of visitor tracking solution in place. Here's 10 reasons why you need Google Analytics on your site:

1. It is free. And it offers just as much if not more functionality than most expensive visitor tracking solutions!

2. You need Analytics to understand how visitors use your site.

3. You can identify where visitors leave your check-out or sign-up process and modify it to prevent losing leads.

4. You can identify which pages and links visitors click on most and spend most time on, and position these pages and links appropriately.

5. Analytics also tells you which sites users came to your site from.

6. You can find out the most popular keywords users type into a search engine to find your site, thereby helping your search engine optimisation efforts.
7. Visitor segmentation by new vs returning users, geography and referral source will offer invaluable insight when planning future business.

8. Analytics integrates seamlessly with Google AdWords so that you can have almost end-to-end visibility in your search advertising results.

9. Analytics allows tracking of other non-search-engine marketing media.

10. Analytics will save you money and help you gain more customers

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