pnmcat : Linux / Unix Command

by Geethalakshmi 2010-04-27 10:57:29

pnmcat : Linux / Unix Command

pnmcat - concatenate portable anymaps

pnmcat [-white|-black] -leftright|-lr [-jtop|-jbottom] pnmfile pnmfile ...
pnmcat [-white|-black] -topbottom|-tb [-jleft|-jright] pnmfile pnmfile ...

Reads portable anymaps as input. Concatenates them either left to right or top to bottom, and produces a portable anymap as output.

If the anymaps are not all the same height (left-right) or width (top-bottom), the smaller ones have to be justified with the largest. By default, they get centered, but you can specify one side or the other with one of the -j* flags. So, -topbottom -jleft would stack the anymaps on top of each other, flush with the left edge.

The -white and -black flags specify what color to use to fill in the extra space when doing this justification. If neither is specified, the program makes a guess.

All flags can be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.

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