Take care of your nails

by Geethalakshmi 2010-05-03 22:32:02

Take care of your nails

Chipped nails and discolouration are common problems that girls share. Instead of mourning over what's lost or waiting for nails to re-grow, take measures to ensure your nails grow strong and pretty.

The only way to keep your nails look good is by taking regular care. Protect them "To get healthy cuticles and avoid dryness, one should use cuticle oil daily. Also, get a regular manicure done by a professional nail technician at least three times a month," says Simar Sukhija of Simar's Nail Bar.

Beauty expert Shahnaz Husain suggests, "Wear rubber gloves for your washing chores. Massage cream on the nails and cuticles daily, especially after using detergents and soaps.

"Cuticles must never be cut. Instead after soaking the nails in warm water, apply cream on the nails to soften the skin.Then push them back gently using a cotton bud. Avoid using a sharp instrument. Shape your nails once a week. Try square shape as it is easy to maintain and there is lesser chance of breakage,' says Sukhija.

If the nail polish chips, do not peel it off as this removes the protective layer of the nail, thereby damaging it. Prevent yellowing Even the sun's rays can harm your nails.

For protection, use a clear nail polish as a top-coat. One can also apply sunscreen on the nails.

Sukhija says, "Apply a base-coat before the nail polish as it strengthens and protects the nail, and does not let the nails turn yellow." "A common cause of yellow nails is wearing nail polish constantly.

Nails should be left unpolished sometimes," says Husain. Nail care tips To get rid of the yellowish tint on the nails, scrape the surface of the nail with the finest-grain side of an emery board, so that the nail is not damaged, and then use UV-resistant or clear polish for protection.

You can also add baking soda to water and soak your fingers in them for 15 minutes, or rub nails with chamois leather. Another option to get rid of the yellow tint is to rub a piece of lemon on them.

You could also dilute lemon juice with water and soak your hands in it for 10 minutes everyday.

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