Eat fish for your health
Fish is a wonderful source of essential vitamins and minerals. Numerous studies have shown that it has multiple health benefits.
It is particularly rich in omega-3 fatty acids, or the 'good' fats, which the human body does not produce. It's no wonder that fish is seen by many as an essential part of one's daily balanced diet.
Here are some more reasons why doctors give a thumbs up to fish: Reduces the tendency of blood clotting. Repairs arteries damaged due to lack of oxygen owing to fatty deposits. Lowers blood pressure. Boosts body immunity. Lowers risk of oral and digestive track cancer. Helps reduce chances of breast cancer. Helps pre- and post-natal neurological development. Reduces tissue inflammation. Alleviates symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Regularises heartbeat. Reduces depression and halts mental decline in elderly people. Keeps the skin, nervous system and red blood cells healthy.
Fish types and benefits
Different types of fish have different health benefits. Fish can be classified into different groups, with each providing a slightly different nutritional value than the other.
Here are some advantages of having each:
White fish
Includes fish such as haddock, plaice, pollack, coley, whiting, sole and monkfish. It is protein rich. Has fewer toxins. Contains some omega-3 fatty acids, but at much lower levels than oily fish. Promotes healthy cells and helps eliminate toxins.
Includes prawns, mussels, shrimp, scallops, cuttlefish, squid, crab and langoustine. Provides selenium, zinc, iodine and copper.
Oily fish
Includes fish such as salmon, mackerel, tuna, herring, sardines and trout. It is rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
Fish type which is given for maintaining our health it helps to keep our blood pressure and it is very good for heart patient.