Eat eggs for breakfast to lose weight

by Geethalakshmi 2010-05-03 23:14:54

Eat eggs for breakfast to lose weight

Wondering how to shed those extra kilos? Then eat an egg for breakfast, a new study suggests.

According to researchers from the University of Connecticut, eating eggs for breakfast helps reduce calorie consumption throughout the day by up to 18 percent. The protein-rich food makes the stomach feel full for longer, cutting the desire to eat more.

The findings revealed that men who consumed an egg-based breakfast ate significantly fewer calories when offered an unlimited lunch buffet compared to when they ate a carbohydrate-rich bagel breakfast of equal calories.

'There is a growing body of evidence that supports the importance of high-quality protein in the diet for overall health and in particular the importance of protein during breakfast,' said nutrition expert Maria Luz Fernandez, who led the research.

'We examined two typical breakfasts, and the participants' self-reported appetite ratings reveal that a protein-rich breakfast helps keep hunger at bay,' Fernandez added.

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