Before you take the plunge

by Geethalakshmi 2010-05-03 23:28:10

Before you take the plunge

The summer heat is driving people to take a dip in the cool pool. While swimming is an exercise, the stroking power in it is provided by the muscles of arm, shoulder, chest, hips, abs and back.

Include these stretches in your warm-up routine to increase flexibility, swim faster and longer.

Quadriceps stretch

Step 1 Stand straight holding a chair or a wall for the balance.

Step 2 Hold your left ankle with left hand.

Step 3 Pull your left ankle towards your bottom till you feel a stretch in front of your left thigh.

Repeat the stretch for the right side.

Chest, hip and ankle stretch

Step 1: Stand against a wall. Extend both arms overhead placing your hands against the wall.

Step 2: Place your left leg ahead of your right. Keep your right knee straight and bend your left knee.

Step 3: Take your chest towards the wall till you feel the stretch in hip, chest and ankles. Maintain the stretch for 15 seconds.

Increase the distance from the wall to increase the stretch. Repeat the same with your right leg now.

Shoulder stretch

Step 1: Extend the right arm in front of you with the right thumb pointing downward.

Step 2: Grasp the right elbow with the left hand keeping the right elbow completely straight.

Step 3: Pull your right arm across your chest till you feel a stretch in the right shoulder. Now stretch your left shoulder.

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