Zumba: Aerobics with a fun twist

by Geethalakshmi 2010-05-03 23:33:03

Zumba: Aerobics with a fun twist

A cross between the tango, belly dancing and a sprinkling of hip-hop with sudden bursts of aerobics...that's Zumba!

The music reverberates from across the room. Dianne Cobb -Pennsis's students watch her movements carefully as she does something that looks like it's a cross between the tango, belly dancing and a sprinkling of hip-hop with sudden bursts of aerobics.

The energy around them is high. Dianne is teaching them the Zumba, a fitness routine that's even throwing America's favourite Pilates off balance.

It's a workout that's more dance oriented and incorporates interval training sessions with fast and slow rhythms and resistance training, which are intended to tone and sculpt the body while burning fat. "But it's the music that is wonderful.

Strong Latin influences really gets people going," says Dianne, who is Delhi's only certified Zumba trainer. "It's not exercise, it's a lot of fun.

" Zumba was invented in the early nineties when Brazilian dancer Alberto Perez forgot his traditional aerobics music to class. Instead he made everyone workout to classic Latino beats of the salsa and merengue, and it became his most popular class.

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