Sushi Rice

by Nirmala 2010-05-04 12:09:20

Sushi Rice


* 2 cups Japanese rice (16 fluid ounces in glass measuring jug)
* 2 1/2 cups water
* 2 tablespoons sake or dry white wine
* 4 tablespoons rice wine vinegar
* 4 tablespoons sugar
* 1/2 teaspoon salt

Making Sushi Rice :
1. Put the rice in a bowl and wash it in several changes of water until the water becomes clear, stirring gently by hand. Drain rice in a sieve for 1 hour.
2. Combine rice, water and sake in a pot, cover, and bring to boil on medium to high heat. Reduce heat to very low and cook for 15 minutes. Turn off heat and let the pot sit, covered, for another 15 minutes.
3. Mix rice with folding motion to make it fluffy. Insert dry teatowel under the lid to absorb excess moisture.
4. Transfer rice to a large shallow container.
5. Mix the rice wine vinegar, sugar and salt together thoroughly and pour on the rice all at once.
6. Mix quickly and gently with a wet wooden spatula while fanning the rice to cool it quickly.
7. Cover container with a damp teatowel until use but do not refrigerate. Use while the rice is as freshly cooked as possible.

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