Sour Cabbage Soup

by Nirmala 2010-05-07 16:46:56

Sour Cabbage Soup


* ½ small cabbage, chopped
* 1 eggplant
* 2 zucchini
* 1 onion, minced
* 1 clove garlic
* 1 tsp shrimp paste (belacan)
* 2 large tomatoes, skinned and seeded
* 2-3 daun salam or bay leaves
* 3 pieces laos or 2.5cm piece green ginger
* 4 cups vegetable stock
* Salt and pepper
* Cooked rice, hot

Making Sour Cabbage Soup
1. Chop washed cabbage roughly. Take ends off zucchini and eggplant and cut into slices.
2. Place the minced onion, garlic, belacan, tomatoes, daun salam and laos in the deep saucepan with vegetable stock. Simmer until the tomatoes have disintegrated. Season with salt and pepper.
3. Add the vegetables and cook for a further 10 minutes, or until vegetables are limp. Correct seasoning.
4. Serve hot with rice by placing hot rice in individual soup bowls, ladle hot soup liquid on rice, then spoon vegetables on top.

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