How to create new System DSN(Data Source Name) ?
by Ramya[ Edit ] 2009-08-31 20:30:31
Create a System DSN(Data Source Name) for sql server:
Creating a new ODBC Data Source Name (DSN) is needed when you're connecting to SQL Server via Microsoft Access using ODBC. Using the ODBC Data Source Administrator, you can create User, System, and File DSNs as you need them.
* Start-&Control Panel->Administrative Tools.
* Select "Data Sources(ODBC)".
* Go to "System DSN" tab and then Click "Add" button.
* Create New Data Source window will open. Select the driver for your database.
* Provide the details in the "connector/ODBC" window.
* Finally test whether the connection works.
New System DSN(Data Source Name) is created.........