Browser Mouse Shortcuts

by Suganya 2007-05-16 11:03:54

List of the most common mouse shortcuts :

Goes back to previous pages[Back]Shift + ScrollDownShift + ScrollDownShift + ScrollDown
Will Close the TabMiddleclick onTabNAShift + Left Click
Decreases the Text sizeCtrl + ScrollUpCtrl+ ScrollUpCtrl + ScrollUp
Goes To the next Pages[Forward]Shift + ScrollUpShift + ScrollUpShift + ScrollUp
Increases the Text sizeCtrl + ScrollDownCtrl + ScrollDownCtrl + ScrollDown
Opens New TabDoubleClick on Tab BarNADoubleClick on Tab Bar
Open the link in Background TabCtrl + LeftClick + MiddleClickNACtrl + Shift + MiddleClick + LeftClick
Open the the Link in the Foreground TabCtrl + Shift + LeftClick or Shift + MiddleClick or Ctrl + LeftClickNAShift + LeftClick
Open the Link in New WindowShift + LeftClickShift + LeftClickNA
Scroll Line by LineAlt + ScrollNANA

*)A Middle-click on windows will closes a tab by default. In Linux it pastes whatever is currently in the Clipboard and visits that site or performs a search. This can be changed by setting the middlemouse.contentLoadURL pref to either true (for the Content Load URL feature) or false (for closing the tab).

*)Ctrl + LeftClick opens the link in a background tab which will keep you navigating on the page you clicked the link on.

*)Ctrl + Shift + LeftClick opens the link in a Foreground tab.

*)If you want to reverse this behavior, select Tools -> Options, click on Tabs in Menu and select the option check the When I open a link in a new tab, switch to it immediately option.

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