Microwave Mutton Curry Recipe

by Rekha 2010-05-11 14:15:50

Microwave Mutton Curry Recipe

• 1 kg Mutton, boneless cubes
• 1 Bay-leaf
• 6 Cardamoms
• 2 gm Saffron
• 4 Cinnamons
• 8 Cloves
• 1/2 tsp Black pepper
• 1/2 Cup yoghurt
• 3tbsp Ginger paste
• 3 tbsp Garlic paste
• 3 tbsp Green chilli paste
• Salt to taste
• Boiled egg and mint for garnishing
• 5 Cup oil

How to make Microwave Mutton Curry:
•Take a frying pan and heat oil in it, fry cinnamon, cloves, cardamom and bay leaf till brown.
•Add ginger, garlic and green chilli paste to it.
•Fry for a few minutes and combine yoghurt and mutton cubes with it.
•Place it in a glass dish, cover it and microwave them for about 10 minutes.
•Now stand it for about 5 minutes.
•When meat is tender, add salt, pepper and saffron and microwave it again for about 3 to 4 minutes.
•Stand it for another one minute.
•Garnish it with quartered boiled egg and mint and serve it.

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