List of important directories

by Sanju 2009-09-29 20:42:47

List of important directories

We have come with a list of directories which can be removed and which should not be removed from the VPS.

The data in following directories are need for systems working and if we remove these data it will affect the working of whole system.


But we can remove the roll back file which is used for restoring system.


And also we can remove the backup directory of all accounts in the server.


The following directory provides a standard location for

a) Preformat all manual pages alongside the unformatted versions.
b) Allow no caching of formatted man pages, and require formatting to be done each time a man page is brought up.
c) Allow local caching of formatted man pages in


Do not remove the following directory since it will affect the working of cpanel.


We can remove the files in /home/cprestore



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