Apache Basics: Directives an overview, Diretive list

by rajesh 2007-05-17 14:36:39

So far we have changed and tested two properties of apache namely directory root and listen port.

The tags that are used to enable/modify certain property or functioning of Apache are denoted as Directives

These directives determine the way apache functions and handles requests. The list of directives is a huge one and is listed below. The usage of the directives will be explained in the next section.

* AcceptFilter
* AcceptMutex
* AcceptPathInfo
* AccessFileName
* Action
* AddAlt
* AddAltByEncoding
* AddAltByType
* AddCharset
* AddDefaultCharset
* AddDescription
* AddEncoding
* AddHandler
* AddIcon
* AddIconByEncoding
* AddIconByType
* AddInputFilter
* AddLanguage
* AddModuleInfo
* AddOutputFilter
* AddOutputFilterByType
* AddType
* Alias
* AliasMatch
* Allow
* AllowEncodedSlashes
* AllowOverride
* Anonymous
* Anonymous_LogEmail
* Anonymous_MustGiveEmail
* Anonymous_NoUserID
* Anonymous_VerifyEmail
* AuthBasicAuthoritative
* AuthBasicProvider
* AuthDBDUserPWQuery
* AuthDBDUserRealmQuery
* AuthDBMGroupFile
* AuthDBMType
* AuthDBMUserFile
* AuthDefaultAuthoritative
* AuthDigestAlgorithm
* AuthDigestDomain
* AuthDigestNcCheck
* AuthDigestNonceFormat
* AuthDigestNonceLifetime
* AuthDigestProvider
* AuthDigestQop
* AuthDigestShmemSize
* AuthGroupFile
* AuthLDAPBindDN
* AuthLDAPBindPassword
* AuthLDAPCharsetConfig
* AuthLDAPCompareDNOnServer
* AuthLDAPDereferenceAliases
* AuthLDAPGroupAttribute
* AuthLDAPGroupAttributeIsDN
* AuthLDAPRemoteUserAttribute
* AuthLDAPRemoteUserIsDN
* AuthLDAPUrl
* AuthName
* <AuthnProviderAlias>
* AuthType
* AuthUserFile
* AuthzDBMAuthoritative
* AuthzDBMType
* AuthzDefaultAuthoritative
* AuthzGroupFileAuthoritative
* AuthzLDAPAuthoritative
* AuthzOwnerAuthoritative
* AuthzUserAuthoritative
* BrowserMatch
* BrowserMatchNoCase
* BufferedLogs
* CacheDefaultExpire
* CacheDirLength
* CacheDirLevels
* CacheDisable
* CacheEnable
* CacheFile
* CacheIgnoreCacheControl
* CacheIgnoreHeaders
* CacheIgnoreNoLastMod
* CacheLastModifiedFactor
* CacheMaxExpire
* CacheMaxFileSize
* CacheMinFileSize
* CacheNegotiatedDocs
* CacheRoot
* CacheStoreNoStore
* CacheStorePrivate
* CGIMapExtension
* CharsetDefault
* CharsetOptions
* CharsetSourceEnc
* CheckCaseOnly
* CheckSpelling
* ContentDigest
* CookieDomain
* CookieExpires
* CookieLog
* CookieName
* CookieStyle
* CookieTracking
* CoreDumpDirectory
* CustomLog
* Dav
* DavDepthInfinity
* DavGenericLockDB
* DavLockDB
* DavMinTimeout
* DBDExptime
* DBDKeep
* DBDMax
* DBDMin
* DBDParams
* DBDPersist
* DBDPrepareSQL
* DBDriver
* DefaultIcon
* DefaultLanguage
* DefaultType
* DeflateBufferSize
* DeflateCompressionLevel
* DeflateFilterNote
* DeflateMemLevel
* DeflateWindowSize
* Deny
* <Directory>
* DirectoryIndex
* DirectorySlash
* DocumentRoot
* DumpIOInput
* DumpIOLogLevel
* DumpIOOutput
* EnableExceptionHook
* EnableMMAP
* EnableSendfile
* ErrorDocument
* ErrorLog
* Example
* ExpiresActive
* ExpiresByType
* ExpiresDefault
* ExtendedStatus
* ExtFilterDefine
* ExtFilterOptions
* FileETag
* FilterChain
* FilterDeclare
* FilterProtocol
* FilterProvider
* FilterTrace
* ForceLanguagePriority
* ForceType
* ForensicLog
* GracefulShutdownTimeout
* Group
* Header
* HeaderName
* HostnameLookups
* IdentityCheck
* IdentityCheckTimeout
* ImapBase
* ImapDefault
* ImapMenu
* Include
* IndexIgnore
* IndexOptions
* IndexOrderDefault
* IndexStyleSheet
* ISAPIAppendLogToErrors
* ISAPIAppendLogToQuery
* ISAPICacheFile
* ISAPIFakeAsync
* ISAPILogNotSupported
* ISAPIReadAheadBuffer
* KeepAlive
* KeepAliveTimeout
* LanguagePriority
* LDAPCacheEntries
* LDAPConnectionTimeout
* LDAPOpCacheEntries
* LDAPSharedCacheFile
* LDAPSharedCacheSize
* LDAPTrustedClientCert
* LDAPTrustedGlobalCert
* LDAPTrustedMode
* LDAPVerifyServerCert
* LimitInternalRecursion
* LimitRequestBody
* LimitRequestFields
* LimitRequestFieldSize
* LimitRequestLine
* LimitXMLRequestBody
* Listen
* ListenBackLog
* LoadFile
* LoadModule
* LockFile
* LogFormat
* LogLevel
* MaxClients
* MaxKeepAliveRequests
* MaxMemFree
* MaxRequestsPerChild
* MaxRequestsPerThread
* MaxSpareServers
* MaxSpareThreads
* MaxThreads
* MCacheMaxObjectCount
* MCacheMaxObjectSize
* MCacheMaxStreamingBuffer
* MCacheMinObjectSize
* MCacheRemovalAlgorithm
* MCacheSize
* MetaDir
* MetaFiles
* MetaSuffix
* MimeMagicFile
* MinSpareServers
* MinSpareThreads
* MMapFile
* ModMimeUsePathInfo
* MultiviewsMatch
* NameVirtualHost
* NoProxy
* NWSSLTrustedCerts
* NWSSLUpgradeable
* Options
* Order
* PassEnv
* PidFile
* ProtocolEcho
* ProxyBadHeader
* ProxyBlock
* ProxyDomain
* ProxyErrorOverride
* ProxyIOBufferSize
* ProxyMaxForwards
* ProxyPass
* ProxyPassReverse
* ProxyPassReverseCookieDomain
* ProxyPassReverseCookiePath
* ProxyPreserveHost
* ProxyReceiveBufferSize
* ProxyRemote
* ProxyRemoteMatch
* ProxyRequests
* ProxyTimeout
* ProxyVia
* ReadmeName
* ReceiveBufferSize
* Redirect
* RedirectMatch
* RedirectPermanent
* RedirectTemp
* RemoveCharset
* RemoveEncoding
* RemoveHandler
* RemoveInputFilter
* RemoveLanguage
* RemoveOutputFilter
* RemoveType
* RequestHeader
* Require
* RewriteBase
* RewriteCond
* RewriteEngine
* RewriteLock
* RewriteLog
* RewriteLogLevel
* RewriteMap
* RewriteOptions
* RewriteRule
* RLimitCPU
* RLimitMEM
* Satisfy
* ScoreBoardFile
* Script
* ScriptAlias
* ScriptAliasMatch
* ScriptInterpreterSource
* ScriptLog
* ScriptLogBuffer
* ScriptLogLength
* ScriptSock
* SecureListen
* SendBufferSize
* ServerAdmin
* ServerAlias
* ServerLimit
* ServerName
* ServerPath
* ServerRoot
* ServerSignature
* ServerTokens
* SetEnv
* SetEnvIf
* SetEnvIfNoCase
* SetHandler
* SetInputFilter
* SetOutputFilter
* SSIEndTag
* SSIErrorMsg
* SSIStartTag
* SSITimeFormat
* SSIUndefinedEcho
* SSLCACertificateFile
* SSLCACertificatePath
* SSLCADNRequestFile
* SSLCADNRequestPath
* SSLCARevocationFile
* SSLCARevocationPath
* SSLCertificateChainFile
* SSLCertificateFile
* SSLCertificateKeyFile
* SSLCipherSuite
* SSLCryptoDevice
* SSLEngine
* SSLHonorCipherOrder
* SSLMutex
* SSLOptions
* SSLPassPhraseDialog
* SSLProtocol
* SSLProxyCACertificateFile
* SSLProxyCACertificatePath
* SSLProxyCARevocationFile
* SSLProxyCARevocationPath
* SSLProxyCipherSuite
* SSLProxyEngine
* SSLProxyMachineCertificateFile
* SSLProxyMachineCertificatePath
* SSLProxyProtocol
* SSLProxyVerify
* SSLProxyVerifyDepth
* SSLRandomSeed
* SSLRequire
* SSLRequireSSL
* SSLSessionCache
* SSLSessionCacheTimeout
* SSLUserName
* SSLVerifyClient
* SSLVerifyDepth
* StartServers
* StartThreads
* SuexecUserGroup
* ThreadLimit
* ThreadsPerChild
* ThreadStackSize
* TimeOut
* TraceEnable
* TransferLog
* TypesConfig
* UnsetEnv
* UseCanonicalName
* UseCanonicalPhysicalPort
* User
* UserDir
* VirtualDocumentRoot
* VirtualDocumentRootIP
* VirtualScriptAlias
* VirtualScriptAliasIP
* Win32DisableAcceptEx
* XBitHack

We will look in to only the ones that are most required for a basic user and in the order that will make things easier to understand.

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