How to change the Virtual memory for a hard drive?

by Vijay 2008-03-13 16:46:19

You may have noticed any error/warning stating "Virtual memory is very low. Increase the virtual memory or close any appilications".

But you may not know where and how to change the virtual memory or paging file size.

Go to the 'Control panel' of your system and then click 'System'

It will open a new window, under that window choose the 'Advanced' Tab.

Under that tab you can see a frame called 'Performance'. Click 'Settings' button in that frame.

It will open another window named 'Performance options' .

Choose the 'Advanced' Tab and you can see a frame named 'Virtual Memory'.

Clik the 'Change' Button and set your own Memory size.

Usually there will a Recommended value and don't increase the Paging File size too much.

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