Block/ Stop Pop Up Adverts on Firefox and IE

by Geethalakshmi 2009-10-19 23:12:02

Block/ Stop Pop Up Adverts on Firefox and IE

Blocking Pop-ups on Firefox:

Step 1
Open a Firefox browser window to your home page or any default page that does not have a pop-up or a lot of graphical information, such as the Google search engine.

Step 2
Open the "Tools" tab at the top of your browser.

Step 3
Left-click the "Options" setting. This will open the browser configuration window.

Step 4
Left-click the "Content" icon. It will look like several documents.

Step 5
Put a check next to the setting box that says "Disable Pop Up Windows." Then click "Apply" to confirm your change.

Blocking Pop-ups with Internet Explorer:

Step 1
Open an Explorer browser window to your home page or any default page that does not have a pop-up or a lot of graphical information, such as the Google search engine.

Step 2
Open the "Tools" tab at the top of your browser.

Step 3
Left-click the "Pop-up blocker" setting.

Step 4
Turn on Pop-up blocker.

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