Edit or Customize Text in Start button in windows XP
by Vinoth[ Edit ] 2009-10-28 12:38:35
We can edit the text in Start button like below

To perform the operation follow the following steps
First made a back up of your explorer.exe file
Step 1:
Next we have to modify explorer.exe file. Explorer.exe is a binary file so it requires a special kind of editor. I used Resource Hacker to edit Explorer.exe.
Download Resource Hacker and then run the exe and click file>open and select Explorer.exe file.

Choose catogory "String Table" on that click the plus symbol and goto 37 and select 1033 and edit the work "start"

click at
compile scriptthen
it with new name like "explorer_update.exe"
Step 2:
Updating Registry entry
Type "
regedit" in Run command [Start>Run]
New window will be appear select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Windows NT > CurrentVersion > Winlogon
In that and double click at shell and update explorer.exe with the updated explorer.exe file and then restart your computer or log off your PC and login again.