Use Ternary operation instead of if else
by rajesh[ Edit ] 2009-10-29 09:24:29
A normal if else statement would look like
if ($today == "sunday")
print "happy life.... ";
} else
print "life is toooooo boring?";
this checks the condition if $today is sunday and prints 'happy life' if true, else prints 'life is toooooo boring?'
we can make this happen in a single line of code using ternary operator
Syntax -
$variable = condition ? if true : if false
$result = ($today == "sunday") ? "happy life.... " : "life is toooooo boring?";
print $result;
this can also be done as
print ($today == "sunday") ? "happy life.... " : "life is toooooo boring?";
// here I dint store the result in a variable. I just printed it..