stripslashes() after using addslashes()
by rajesh[ Edit ] 2009-10-29 10:31:32
I have noted in many places including that we have not used stripslashes() while we display a content from database.
i.e When I try to add a scrap with some word like "it's", it adds properly. So we have used addslashes to insert this content in to db.
But when i try to edit this scrap it shows as \"it\'s\".
This is an issue..
We should have used stripslashes() before displaying the content.
Example Code:
$value = "it\'s test";
$result = stripslashes($value);
print "before stripslashes() -".$value;
print "after stripslashes() -".$result;
Output of the above code:
before stripslashes() - it\'s test
after stripslashes() - it's test