Setting the DISPLAY environment for Linux

by Sanju 2009-10-29 18:15:55

Setting the DISPLAY environment for Linux

DISPLAY environment is used to display terminal support.

HATS applications require access to the X server which specifies access with the DISPLAY environment variable. If it does not have access, the display terminal will not display.

To set the DISPLAY environment variable type the following command where hostname is the hostname or IP address of the system where the X server is running:

export DISPLAY=hostname:0

On the system where the X server is running it may be necessary to enable access control so that the client can connect. The xhost command is used to set access controls. The xhost command must be run on the console of the system where the X server is running. It cannot be done remotely.

To enable access control so that clients from any host can connect to the X server, type the following command:

xhost +

To enable access control so that only a certain client can connect to the X server, type the following command where hostname is the hostname or ip address of the client:

xhost + hostname

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