10 Largest Countries in 2050
by Geethalakshmi[ Edit ] 2010-05-27 15:42:28
10 Largest Countries in 2050
According to the Population Reference Bureau, these will be the ten largest countries based on population in 2050...
1. India - 1,628,000,000 (1.628 billion)
2. China - 1,437,000,000 (1.437 billion)
3. United States - 420,000,000 (420 million)
4. Nigeria - 299,000,000
5. Pakistan - 295,000,000
6. Indonesia - 285,000,000
7. Brazil - 260,000,000
8. Bangladesh - 231,000,000
9. Democratic Republic of Congo - 183,000,000
10. Ethiopia - 145,000,000
You can compare these future populations to the
largest countries today.