Web designing Faqs

by Geethalakshmi 2009-11-01 00:20:42

True or false: Web designing questions

1 ) When designing a site, put yourself in your user's shoes. (True or False?)

2 ) A good Web page layout will guide the user's eye through the content. (True or False?)

3 ) The print-based method of page layout accounts for the user scanning a page using a sweeping motion. (True or False?)

4 ) Because of the way people view Web pages, the most important information can be placed anywhere on the page. (True or False?)

5 ) The user is not conscious of the way his or her eye is following the content of a Web page. (True or False?)

6 ) Some home page content describes the destination of links. (True or False?)

7 ) Home pages should contain detailed information to hook the user. (True or False?)

8 ) Graphics and rollovers are as important as organization. (True or False?)

9 ) Text links at the bottom of a Web page are useful in instances where graphical navigation loads slowly. (True or False?)

10 ) White space is important to a page layout. (True or False?)

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