TamilNadu - What is possible

by rajesh 2009-11-03 09:30:34

Tamilnadu : What we can make out of our state...

Tamilnadu has a population of 6.6 crore people
There are 223 recognized countries in our world and Tamilnadu's population alone is larger than 204 countries..
Read that again 'larger than 204 Countries'.

Population wise larger than
United Kingdom (36,357$ GDP Per Capita) - has 6.1 crore people, still less than what our state has
Malaysia (14,081$ GDP Per Capita) - has just 2.83 crore people
Netherlands (40,558$ GDP Per Capita) - has just 1.6 crore people
Portugal (40,558$ GDP Per Capita) - has just 1.07 crore people
Sweden (37333$ GDP Per Capita) - has just 92 Lakh people (Not even a crore)
Switzerland (43,195$ GDP Per Capita) - has just 77 Lakh people
Denmark (37304$ GDP Per Capita) - 55 lakh population
Ireland (42,110$ GDP Per Capita) - 44.6 lakh population
Luxembourg ($82,440 GDP Per Capita) - Just 4 lakh + people

Now coming to the point, India has a GDP of 1,068$ Per Capita.

What are we doing with all this population.
Why are we not bothered about something called as 'standard of life' and 'Human Development Index'.

In terms of Human Development Index, India stand at 134 out of 223 countries.. Most countries don't even have population greater than 1 crore.

Instead of dreaming to move in to countries like Australia and Switzerland, we should dream of making a Switzerland and Austria in Our state..

Luxembourg has 4lakh and Coimbatore has more than 10 lakh people.

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