Sri Venkatesa Suprabhatham Lyrics - Sri Venkatesha Suprabhatham - Tamil Movie Song

by MrBeans 2010-06-12 13:51:12

Sri Venkatesa Suprabhatham Lyrics - Sri Venkatesha Suprabhatham - Tamil Movie Song

1. Kowsalya supraja Rama poorva sandhya pravarthathe
Uthishta narasardoola karthavyam daivamahnikam (Twice)

1. Sri Rama! Kausalya's endearing son! Wake up, dear;
You have to do Your day-to-day duties; Do wake up please.

2. Uthishtothishta Govinda uthishta garudadhwaja
Uthishta kamalakantha thrilokyam mangalam kuru (Twice)

2. Sri Govinda!
All the three worlds are under Your rule;
they have to prosper. Wake up, my child.

3. Mathassamasta jagatham madukaitabhare:
Vakshoviharini manohara divyamoorthe
Sree swamini srithajana priya danaseele
Sree Venkatesadayithe thava suprabhatham

3. Sri Lakshmi!
You are in Venkateswara's's bosom,
With Your lotus-eyes wide open to the world.
Get up dear.

4. Thavasuprabhathamaravindalochane
Bhavathu prasanna mukhachandra mandale
Vidhisankarendra vanithabhirarchithe
Vrishasaila nathadavithel davanidhe

4. Sri Lakshmi!
The celestials viz. Parvati, Saraswati,
and Indrani stand in prayer to Thee.
You have an endearing attachment to Your devotees.

5. Athriyadhi saptharushayssamupasyasandyam
Aakasa sindhu kamalani manoharani
Aadaya padhayuga marchayithum prapanna:
Seshadrisekhara vibho! Thava suprabhatham

5. Sri Srinivasa!
Maharishis like Atri are forging ahead from far and near,
for your darshan, Get up, dear.

6. Panchananabja bhava shanmukavasavadhya:
Tryvikramadhi charitham vibhudhasthuvanthi
Bhashapathipatathi vasara shuddhi marath
Seshadri sekhara vibho! thava subrabhatham

6. Aran, Ayan,
Shanmuga and Devas are all anxious to adore You.
The daily Panchangam is to be read and approved by You.
Get up, Srinivasa, dear.

7. Eeshathprapulla saraseeruha narikela
Phoogadrumadi sumanohara Balikanam
Aavaathi mandamanilassaha divya gandhai:
Seshadri shekara vibho! thava suprabhatham

7. Dawn is ahead.
Flowers are opening their petals.
The morning breeze is bracing.
Get up and bless Your devotees.

8. Unmeelya nethrayugamuththama panjarasthaa:
Paathraa vasishta kadhaleephala payasani Bhukthvaa
saleelamatha keli sukha: patanthi
Seshadri sekhara vibho! thava suprabhatham

8. Parrots are chanting Your celestial
names repeatedly to the ecstasy of Your Bakthas.
Get up, God, to hear the Sahasranamams of Your Divine Self.

9. Thanthreeprakarshamadhuraswanaya
vipanchyaa Gayathyanantha charitham
thava naradopi Bhashasamagrama sakruthkara sararammyam
Seshadri sekhara vibho! thava suprabhatham

9. Thumburu Narada is speeding up to You.
His Veena is set to sing Your glory.
Do hear these melodious songs of Narada.

10. Brungavaleecha makaranda rashanuvidda
Jhankara geetha ninadaissa sevanaya
Niryathyupaantha sarasee kamalodarebhyaha
Seshadri sekhara vibhol thava suprabhatham

10. Lotushidden bees,
having come out in the open
with the opening of the petals,
are singing solemn hymns. Oh Srinivasa!
You are omnipotent.

11. Yoshaganena varadhadni vimathyamaane
Ghoshalayeshu dhadhimanthana theevraghoshaaha
Roshaathkalim vidha-dhathe kakubhascha kumbhaha
Seshadri sekhara vibho! thava suprabhatham

11. Ayarpadi,
ladies are singing their sweet melodies
as they are churning butter.
They announce the day-dawn.
Get up, Oh Govinda! Bless these endearing Gopis.

12. Padmeshamithra sathapathra kathalivargha
Harthum shriyam kuvalayasya nijanga Lakshmya
Bheree ninadamiva bibrathi theevranadam
Seshadri sekhara vibho! thava suprabhatham

12. The humming black bees seem to
sing that they are far more attractive
than the black 'Kuvali' flowers from which they draw honey.
All the three of you namely, bees,
flowers and Your Holy Self form a holy
Trinity in colour and splendour.

13. Sreemannabheeshta varadhakhila lookabandho
Sree Sreenivasa Jagadekadayaika sindho
Sree devathagruha bhujanthara divyamurthe
Sree Venkatachalapathe! thava suprabhatham

13. You have changed Your abode from
Heaven to Venkatam to give boons to Your devotees.
Do Hurry up! Venkatesa, to bless them.

14. Sree swamy pushkarinikaplava nirmalangaa
Sreyorthino hara viranchi sanadadhyaha
Dware vasanthi varavethra hathothamangaha:
Sree Venkatachalapathe! thava suprabhatham

14. Ayan, Aran and Celestials,
after taking bath in Swami Pushkarini,
are awaiting Your Grace to receive blessings.
15. Sree seshasaila garudachala venkatadri
Narayanadri vrishabhadri vrishadri mukhyam
Akhyam thvadeeyavasathe ranisam vadanthi
Sree Venkatachalapathe! thava suprabhatham

15. You have made Venkatam your permanent abode.
Aran, and celestials are chanting the glory of the Sapthagiri.

16. Sevaaparaashiva suresa krusanudharma
Rakshombhunatha pavamana dhanadhi nathaha:
Bhaddanjali pravilasannija seersha deSaha:
Sree Venkatachalapathe! thava suprabhatham

16. The Dikpalakars, eight in number,
are seeking Your grace in prayerful
mood to take orders for their allotted work.

17. Dhateeshuthevihagaraja mrugadhiraja
Nagadhiraja gajaraja hayadhiraja:
Swaswadhikara mahimadhika marthayanthe
Sree Venkatachalapathe! thava suprabhatham

17. Garuda, lion, Anata, Gaja, Aswa,
all these five are awaiting Your
Command to improve their way of doing
things to serve You better and more effectively.

18. Sooryendhubhouma bhudhavakpathi kavya souri
Swarbhanukethu divishathparishathpradanaa:
Twaddhasa dasa charamavadhidaasa daasa:
Sree Venkatachalapathe! thava suprabhatham

18. Navagrahas are awaiting Your pleasure. Please wake up

19. Thwathpadadhulibharita spurithothha manga:
Swargapavarga nirapeksha nijantharanga:
Kalpagamakalanaya kulatham labhanthe
Sree Venkatachalapathe! thava suprabhatham

19. Surya and the rest of the
Navagrahas are steadfast in their
dutiful obeissance to Your devotees.
They await Your Command to
serve you through your devotees.

20. Thvadgopuragra sikharani nireekshmana
Swargapavarga padaveem paramam shrayantha:
Marthyaa manushyabhuvane mathimashrayanthe
Sree Venkatachalapathe! thava Suprabhatham

20. Srinivasa!
Mankind desires to be with you for ever and for ever in
Venkatam and to serve You life-long.

21. Sree bhoominayaka dayadhi gunammruthabdhe
Devadideva jagadeka saranya moorthe
Sreemannanantha garudadibhirarchithangre
Sree Venkatachalapathe! thava suprabhatham

21. Ananta and Garuda are eagerly standing at Your door.
Their anxious to serve You at a moment's notice is telling.

22. Sree Padmanabha Purushothama Vasudeva
Vaikunta Madhava Janardhana chakrapane
Sree vathsachinha saranagatha parijatha
Sree Venkatachalapathe! thava suprabhatham

22. Bakthas are chanting Your names as Vasudeva,
Madhava, Govinda,
Janardhana, Chakrapani and other endearing names.
Devotees are ever ready to obey Your Command.

23. Kandarpa darpa hara sundara divya murthe
Kanthaa kuchamburuha kutmialola drishte
Kalyana nirmala gunakara divyakeerthe
Sree Venkatachalapathe! thava suprabhatham

23. Sri Lakshmi is enchanted by Your beauty.
She would not leave her Lord.
For the sake of Bakthas get up please and afford them Dharshan.

24. Meenakruthe kamatakola Nrusimha varnin
Swamin parashvatha thapodana Ramachandra
Seshamsharama yadhunandana kalki roopa
Sree Venkatachalapathe! thava suprabhatham

24. Thy descent from Paramapada
was heralded in Thy numerous avathars
when You did immense good to Your devotees.
Great God, do come to us to help us in our distress.

25. Elaa lavanga ghanasaara sugandhi theertham
Divyam viyathsarithi hemaghateshu poornam
Drutwadhya vaidika sikhamanaya: prahrushta:
Thishtanthi Venkatapathe! thava suprabhatham

25. Vedic Savants are in wait with
Akasaganga theertham for Your morning Anushtanam.
Vedic hymns sung by them are a delight
to hear and cherish. Do get up Sri Srinivasa
26. Bhaswanudethi vikachani saroruhani
Sampoorayanthi ninadai: kakubho vihangha:
Sree vaishnavassathatha marthitha mangalasthe
Dhamasrayanthi thava Venkata! subrabhatham

26. The twitterings of birds on all
sides proclaim the dawn of the day.
Devotees are gathered in numbers and
they sing their vociferous adoration to You.

27. Bhramadayassuravarasamaharshayastthe
Santhassa nandana mukhastvatha yogivarya:
Dhamanthike thavahi mangala vasthu hasthaa:
Sree Venkatachalapathe! thava suprabhatham

27. Brahma and celestials are awaiting
You with their choicest edibles to greet You, great God.

28. Lakshminivasa niravadya gunaika sindo:
Samsarasagara samuththaranaika setho
Vedanta vedya nijavaibhava bhakta bhogya
Sree Venkatachalapathe! thava suprabhatham

28. Devotees in ecstasy are at Your
door in all eagerness.
You are in duty bound to help them
with your inimitable caress and affection; Great one!

29. ltnam vnsnacnala pamerlna suprabhatham
Ye manava: prathidinam patithum pravrutha:
Thesham prabhatha samaye smruthirangabhhajam
Pragnyam paraartha sulabham paramam prasoothe

29. Day-to-day prayers to You,
Sri Vehkatesa! fetch untold
wealth of devotional culture and fervour.
God, give us your grace.

Sri Venkatesa Suprabhatham Lyrics - Sri Venkatesha Suprabhatham - Tamil Movie Song

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