Removing a linux kernel manually
by rajesh[ Edit ] 2009-11-07 14:01:09
If we have compiled and installed a kernel manually we will have to follow the steps mentioned below to remove it.
Dont do this unless you know what you are trying to do.
The files for every kernel installation will be placed under
/boot - has kernel and related file such system man and initrd images,
/etc or /boot/grub has grub.conf file
/iib/modules/KERNEL-VERSION/* [replace KERNEL-VERSION with the kernel version number]
We need to remove following files/dirs:
[replace version with the kernel version number in all the below commands]
>rm -rf /boot/vmlinuz*KERNEL-VERSION*
>rm -rf /boot/initrd*KERNEL-VERSION*
>rm -rf /boot/System-map*KERNEL-VERSION*
>rm -rf /boot/config-*KERNEL-VERSION*
>rm /lib/modules/*KERNEL-VERSION*/
Modify grub configuration file /etc/grub.conf or /boot/grub/menu.lst to point to correct kernel version.