how to install phpBB forum

by kalai 2009-11-07 16:45:04

If you wish to install php and mysql to run a phpBB installation on your computer, first you will need installers. Most of you have windows, so I recommend FoxServ. This is a great program that installs php, mysql, and more on your windows machine in under a minute, excluding download time.

Download foxserv 3.0 from

Run the foxserv install program, it is pretty self explanatory, just do what it says.

After you get everything installed, run the foxserv control panel and click the install buttons for everything.

Open winmysql ADMIN. Create a new username and pass at start-up, and then create a new database, the one you will be using for your phpBB installation.

Now download phpBB 2.0.x from, or download phpBBplus from

Unzip the phpBB2 folder into C:Foxservwww

After you have done such, visit http://localhost/phpBB2/ to view your install page. enter the correct information.
database name: the name of the database you created.
database username: username you created
database password: password you created

then enter your email information and everything else as it should be. Now delete the install and contrib directories from the phpBB2 folder on your computer.

Voila! All set up. If you want to have other people view your site, then you need a forwarding service. I have a dynamic IP, so I use Register an account there and follow all of their instructions if you have a dynamic IP. Now you should visit to make sure everything worked.

Also, windows xp users BE SURE TO INSTALL SERVICE PACK 1. SP1 fixes critical incompatibility issues with the apache 2.x server that prevents it from using php correctly. If you do not have service pack one, php pages will load incorrectly or not at all on your webserver.

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