How to not start link building for a site - mistakes in seo

by Geethalakshmi 2010-05-30 16:49:07

How to not start link building for a site - mistakes in seo

All market is full with lots of tools that promise top 10 positions in Google,100000 backlinks in seconds and other cracks.
I will give you a list of things to NOT to do in a link building strategie.

1) Do not submit your site to more than 50 directories in a month.This are types of directories where are you sure your site will appear.

Submit to more and you will get the sandbox effect upon your site.

2) Do not make link exchanges site wide.Site wide means with the whole site.You will see it doesnt help you more than a link exchange with a page relevant that is positioning good in SERPS.

3) Do not place your link in forums signature.You will see no difference in SERPS.Why? its like the site wide Link exchange but more irrelevant

4) Do not make Link exchanges with sites that have more than 100 links on a page(internal links and external links).First of all G will see that page spamy.Try to place on more pages more than 100 internal links,wait 3,4 days and check the messages from webmaster tools.You will get a message from googlebot that warnings you have lots of links on pages.

The second reason is that the PR juice will be devided in 100 pieces and you will have 1/100 pieces from the “cake”.This is valuable in case that all 100 links are relevant with the spamy page.

5) DO NOT USE STUPID ANCHORS if you submit your site to a directory articles or somewere else. USE ONLY KEYWORDS that you want to optimize.

6) In a linking exchange if an anchor is used on a page more then once to different sites,theres a problem.What should you do? add - to the anchor in case you cant use other keywords. Why? Google makes escape to nonalphanumeric characters in a search result.So why dont to try it in anchors. If you search seo or seo - in Google you get same results.

7) Do not make lots of backlinks in a short time whitout to be very relevant!!You will get the sandbox effect!

8 ) Link exchanges or one way links MUST BE MADE only with relevant content to your site.DONT LOOK for Page Rank..You need higher ranks in SERPS not a bigger PAGE RANK.

9) Use in exchanging, URLS that have keywords in them.This is crucial.

10) Do not create sites on the same IP for exchanging links between them.They have no value.

11) Do not make exchanges only with the home page of the site.Use internal pages from your site in Link exchanges.

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