How to Track Web Campaigns

by Geethalakshmi 2010-05-30 17:10:33

How to Track Web Campaigns

Tracking your campaigns

Tracking campaigns data seems to be difficult but when you come to know the exact process, it would be quite interesting. You can track your AdWords campaigns and non-Adwords campaigns as well, banner advertising etc.

How to track campaigns?

Your ads need to be tagged manually or automatically. If you are using Adwords then you need not to tag your url, you can choose auto tagging option available there in AdWords A/C. But if you are using other non AdWords campaigns, you will have to use Google Analytics URL Builder or you can also tag it with your own. If you are using Google Analytics URL Builder for tagging your banner campaigns or other textual ads, then there would be no chance for error. It is easy and simple.
Variables that Google URL Builder Needs

Campaign Source
Campaign Medium
Campaign Term
Campaign Content
Campaign Name

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