Buttered Vegetable

by Nirmala 2010-06-17 11:50:52

Buttered Vegetable


* 200g green beans
* 200g carrots
* 200g potatoes
* 200g cauliflower
* ½ cups green peas
* 200g red pumpkin
* 1 ¼ cup butter
* 2 2/3 tbsp ginger paste
* 2 2/3 tbsp garlic paste
* 5 green chilies, chopped
* 1 kg tomatoes, chopped
* Salt to taste
* 1 tbsp red chili powder
* ¾ cup cream
* 15g fenugreek powder
* 5 tsp green coriander, chopped

Making Buttered Vegetable

1. Wash, peel and cut vegetables into 1 cm dices.
2. For the curry, melt half the butter in a heavy bottomed pan. Add ginger-garlic pastes, tomatoes, salt, red chili powder and 2 ½ cup water, cover and simmer till tomatoes are mashed.
3. Cook and strain curry through a fine sieve.
4. In a wok, melt the remaining butter, sauté green chilies over medium heat and add vegetables. Stir for 4 minutes, pour the curry and simmer till vegetables are cooked.
5. Add cream and fenugreek along with salt.
6. Serve hot, topped with a whirl of cream and chopped coriander.

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