Unable to load libeay32.dll while starting apache

by Vijay 2009-11-11 20:04:34

sometimes we come across such unable to load something.dll when starting apache or some other coding using php.

It can rectified by checking whether our extensions folder is correctly pointed out in the php.ini.
You can just find that by looking at phpinfo(). just type phpinfo() inside a php tag and view that file through browser, it will list all details for php. Just find the extension path and verify the files are there inside the specified folder. If its there and still not working then try copy that file to /windows/system32/ folder.

Then restart apache , this would solve the problem.

Note: If some extensions are not loaded, open the php.ini file and look for "Windows Extensions" and check you had uncommented the extensions. Uncomment the extension and restart apache. That could see your extension gets loaded.

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