Does server side includes(SSI ) cause problem for search engine optimization?

by Geethalakshmi 2010-07-18 12:45:59

Does server side includes(SSI ) cause problem for search engine optimization?

Server side includes are widely used these days in web design, Lots of forums, large template based sites etc use Server side includes for better editing of certain pages, Many people have doubt whether Server side includes AKA SSI cause any problem for search engine crawlers, From our extensive experience NO, server side coding are done server side, what ever is parsed to the browser only matters, Lots of search engine crawlers like googlebot ( google's crawler ) , yahoo slurp ( yahoo's crawler ) , MSNbot ( MSN's crawler) are sophisticated enough to parse good html from complex server side coding, All these crawlers read clear html and they dont have any problem with server side includes,

Very important thing is the SSI code should be properly tested, if they are not tested properly server might not understand the coding and cannot parse proper html and sometimes important server side coding will be revealed to the browser,

it is very important only good clean code is delivered to the browsers, Revealing server side coding of a site might reveal important sql coding which might result in an attack on the server,

SSI code is never a problem these days for top search engine crawlers, For search engine optimization and search engine promotion purposes SSI is not an hinderance, SSI helps in editing large sites easily, We recommend using server side includes in your coding since it will be easy for you to add links especially template based sites like blogs, forums, message boards, large news sites etc

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