Judith Eva Barsi - A sad remembrance

by rajesh 2009-11-13 22:34:36

Judith Eva Barsi (June 6, 1978 – July 25, 198Cool
was an American actress. She was small in stature and often played characters younger than her actual age. But this little girl was murdered by her own father József (an alcoholic and unemployed plumber, became increasingly abusive, jealous, and paranoid) on July 25, 1988, at the age of 10.

On July 25, 1988, József shot Judith in the head while she was asleep. She died instantly. Her mother, hearing the gunshot, rushed down the hall to check on Judith, where József met her and shot her as well. She too died instantly. On July 27, he drenched both bodies in gasoline and set the house on fire. He then went into the garage, and shot himself and was later found dead in the garage.

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