What is the max. length of anchor text suitable for search engines?
by Geethalakshmi[ Edit ] 2010-07-18 12:57:19
What is the max. length of anchor text suitable for search engines?
Anchor text plays a very important role in search engine rankings. Search engines give a lot of weight for keywords in anchor text. Due to this I have heard search engine spammers using 15 or 20 words in anchor text to give weight to all the keywords.
SO what is the good number. Answer is simple do what is best for users do you think your users will like to have 20 keywords in anchor text when linking to a page, I am sure no so please use what is better for your users. Maximum I recommend is to have not more than 6 words in anchor text when you are linking to an external page or a page within your website. Good anchor text links adds value to both users as well as search engines.
The whole concept of Googlebombing was based on this, People used to just add keywords which you want to attack some and just link to that page. We used to have the most infamous anchor text bombs like " miserable failure " which used to link george bush page, French military victories page which used to link to a page which talked about french military loses.