Excel Macros

by Sanju 2009-11-20 18:43:20

Excel Macros

Macros are a very useful feature of Excel, especially if you find yourself constantly repeating the 
same tasks on different cells, or worksheets.

They enable you to record the repetitive actions and then repeat the actions at the click of a button.

* Open Excel go to Tools -> Macros -> Record new macro. You will now see the Record Macro dialogue box

* There are 4 points of interest:
> Name - Type the name of your macro.

> Shortcut key - (optional) this has to be a letter, we have used h, so in our example the macro
will run every time we hold down the CTRL key and press the H key.

> Store macro in - This would normally be the workbook you are working on (this workbook), but you
can save macros into a personal macro workbook.

> Description - Here you can enter a description of the macro for your benefit.

When you have finished filling in the information click the OK button to start the macro recorder.

* You will now see the macro recording box.

* Everything you do now in the workbook will be recorded, so manually go through the process that you want your macro
to recreate, for instance adding up a column.

* When you have finished click on the small blue square within the macro recording box to stop recording.

* To run the macro go to Tools -> Macros -> Macros. To use the macro simply select it and then click the Run button.

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