File Extension .BMF

by Geethalakshmi 2009-11-17 00:24:22

File Extension .BMF

1. A file with the .BMF file extension is known either as a binary material file or a floorplan file.

2. Binary material files contain an image or a graphic that can be used for a variety of purposes. A floorplan file contains the architectural layout information for a room or landscape.

3. Binary material files are created by Corel graphics programs, while floorplan files are created by programs in the IMSI Floorplan Series. Software in this series include Home and LandScape Pro, Home and Interior, Landscape and Deck, Instant Architect, Instant Deck and Patio and Instant Kitchen and Bath.

4. Binary material files use near-lossless compression, which means that the file is made smaller to take up less room on your hard drive without sacrificing much of the image clarity. A floorplan file may contain two-dimensional or three-dimensional images.

5. Both types of .BMF files contain proprietary encryption, meaning that they cannot be accessed by any program other than the one that created the file.

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