Aaya Kalaigal 64

by Sanju 2009-12-02 16:35:45

Aaya Kalaigal 64

krishNa learnt under guru saandheepani as a
student what are known as the Aaya KalaigaL 64 – many a times we do not come across the list of those 64 kalaigaL.
Indhak kuRai theera idhO andha 64 kalaigaL list

1.         geetham – singing;

2. vaadhyam – playing on musical instruments

3. nrithyam – dancing

4. naaTyam – drama

5. aalEkhyam – painting;

6. vi*s*Eshaka-cchEdhyam – painting the face and body with colored
unguents and cosmetics;

7. tandula kusuma bali vikaaraa: – preparing auspicious designs on
the floor with rice and flowers;

8. pushpaastharanam – making a bed of flowers;

9. da*s*ana vashanaanga-raagaa: – coloring one’s teeth, clothes and

10. maNi bhoomikaa karmaa – inlaying a floor with jewels;

11. *s*ayyaa rachanam – covering a bed;

12. udaka vaadhyam – ringing water-pots;

13. udhaka ghaatha: – splashing with water;

14. cithra yOgaa: – mixing colors;

15. maalya grathana vikalpaa: – preparing wreaths;

16. *s*ekhara aapeeda yOjanam – setting a helmet on the head;

17. nEpathya yOgaa: – putting on apparel in a dressing room;

18. karna pathra bhangaa: – decorating the earlobe;

19. sugandha yukthi: – applying aromatics;

20. bhooshana yOjanam – decorating with jewelry;

21. aindhra jaalam – jugglery – [magic?]

22. kouchumaara yOga: – the art of disguise;

23. hasta laaghavam – sleight of hand;

24. chithra *s*aakaapoopa bhakshya vikaara kriyaa: – preparing varieties
of salad, bread, cake and other delicious food;

25. paanaka rasa raagaasava yOjanam – preparing palatable drinks and
tinging draughts with red color;

26. soochee vaaya karmaa – needlework and weaving;

27. soothra kreedaa – making puppets dance by manipulating thin threads;
28. veenaa damaruka vaadhyaani – playing on a flute and a small X-shaped

29. prahElikaa – making and solving riddles;

30. (29a) pratimaalaa – capping verses, or reciting poems verse for
verse as a trial of memory or skill;

31. dhurvaachaka yOgaa: – uttering statements difficult for others to

32. pusthaka vaachanam – reciting books;

33. naaTika aakhyaayikaa dhar*s*anam – enacting short plays and writing

34. kaavya samasyaa pooraNam – solving enigmatic verses;

35. paththikaa vEthra baaNa vikalpaa: – making a bow from a strip of
cloth and a stick;

36. tharku karma, spinning with a spindle;

37. thak*s*aNam – carpentry;

38. vaasthu-vidhyaa – architecture;

39. roupya rathna pareekshaa – testing silver and jewels;

40. dhaathu vaadha: – metallurgy;

41. maNi raaga jnaanam – tinging jewels with various colors;

42. aakara-jnaanam – mineralogy;

43. vriksha aayur vEdha yOgaa: – herbal medicine;

44. mEsha kukkuTa laavaka yudhdha vidhi: – the art of training and
engaging rams, cocks and quails in fighting;

45. *s*uka *s*aarikaa pralaapanam – knowledge of how to train male and
female parrots to speak and to answer the questions of human beings;

46. uthsaadhanam – healing a person with ointments;

47. kE*s*a maarjana kou*s*alam – hairdressing;

48. akshara mushTikaa kathanam – telling what is written in a book
without seeing it, and telling what is hidden in another’s fist;

49. mlEcchitha kutharka vikalpaa: – fabricating barbarous or foreign

50. dhE*s*a bhaashaa jnaanam – knowledge of provincial dialects;

51. pushpa *s*akaTikaa nirmithi jnaanam – knowledge of how to build toy
carts with flowers;

52. yanthra maathrikaa – composing magic squares, arrangements of
numbers adding up to the same total in all directions;

53. dhaaraNa maathrikaa – the use of amulets;

54. samvaachyam – conversation;

55. maanasee kaavya kriyaa – composing verses mentally;

56. kriyaa vikalpaa: – designing a literary work or a medical remedy;

57. chalithaka yOgaa: – building shrines;

58. abhidhaana kO*s*a cchandhO jnaanam – lexicography and the knowledge
of poetic meters;

59. vasthra gOpanam – disguising one kind of cloth to look like another;

60. dhyootha vi*s*Esham – knowledge of various forms of gambling; (so)
aakarsha-kreedaa – playing dice;

61. baalaka kreedanakam – playing with children’s toys;

62. vainaayikee vidhyaa – enforcing discipline by mystic power;

63. vaijayikee vidhyaa – gaining victory;

64. vaithaalikee vidhyaa – awakening one’s master with music at dawn.

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