VIM Keyboard Shortcuts
by Rekha[ Edit ] 2009-12-22 17:21:45
The following are few useful vim text editor keyboard short cuts for moving around while editing text files.
Open any file, for example
$ vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
1. Go to the first line
gg or 1 shift g or :0 (zero) Enter
2. Go to the last line.
Shift g or :$ Enter
3. Go to line 8
8 shift g
4. To scroll down one screen
Ctrl f
5. To scroll up one screen
Ctrl b
6. First position on line
7. Last position on line
8. Go to matching parenthesis
9. Right, left, up, down respectively.
l, h, k, j
Or You can also use arrow keys
10. Where Am I?
Ctrl g