Twitter was Hijacked From 9:46pm to 11pm PST
by Vinoth[ Edit ] 2009-12-23 15:04:56
Its unbelievable Twitter was Hacked. I think yesterday is a black day for twitter. Because Twitter was Hacked by Iranian Cyber Army.
Last night(22-Dec-2009), DNS settings for the Twitter web site were hijacked. From 9:46pm to 11pm PST, approximately 80% of Traffic to was redirected to other web sites.
Hack attacks on Twitter and Iranian opposition websites are directing traffic to a web page created by the "Iranian Cyber Army." The page is all black with a green flag and red lettering that reads in English: “This site has been hacked by the Iranian Cyber Army like image shown below .

At the time of attach there both and where redirected to the Iranian Cyber Army.