Retrieving background-color Property of CSS Elements
by kalai[ Edit ] 2008-04-30 20:19:34
This describes a method for retrieving the background-color values of a html element
In Mozilla browsers (like Firefox), the color can be retrieved using
getComputedStyle(element, psedoStyleString).
For example, to get the background-color for this <div>,
A <div> with yellow background rgb(255,255,0) or #ffff00.
you'd use:
var element=document.getElementById("testDiv");
var style=window.getComputedStyle(element,"");
var bgColor=style.getPropertyValue("background-color");
Now, combining the two methods:
function getBgColor(element)
if (element.currentStyle)
return element.currentStyle.backgroundColor;
if (window.getComputedStyle)
var elementStyle=window.getComputedStyle(element,"");
if (elementStyle)
return elementStyle.getPropertyValue("background-color");
// Return 0 if both methods failed.
return 0;