
by Geethalakshmi 2009-12-29 17:03:48

Definition of Webmaster

Webmaster is an individual who manages a Web site, refers to the person or persons responsible for a specific website.

An alternative definition of webmaster is a businessperson who uses online media to sell products and/or services. This broader definition of webmaster covers not just the technical aspects of overseeing Web site construction and maintenance but also management of content, advertising, marketing and order fulfilment for the Web site.

On a smaller site, the webmaster will typically be the owner, designer, developer and programmer in addition to writing the actual content. On larger sites the webmaster will act as a coordinator and overseer to the activities of other people working on the site and is usually an employee of the owner of the website.

Depending on the size of the site, the Webmaster might be responsible for any of the following:

# Making sure that the Web server hardware and software is running properly

# Designing the Web site

# Creating and updating Web pages

# Replying to user feedback

# Creating CGI scripts

# Monitoring traffic through the site

The exponential growth of the World Wide Web has created an unprecedented demand for Webmasters.

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