Tamil Semmozhi - Why tamil is called as semmozhi?

by Rekha 2010-08-03 12:50:28

Why tamil is called as semmozhi?

Eligibility criteria for a language to be called as 'Semmozhi'
1. It should have been born atleast 2000 years ago. It should have literary continuity for 2000 years. And is still existing.
2.It should have given birth to other languages.
3.It should have helped the world improving in Culture.
4.The world has only five languages which have the 'Semmozhi' status. Tamilzh is one amongst them.

tamil is a live and vibrant language inspite of being a contemporary of some of the
dormant languages of yester millennium.

Tamil did not simply assimilate with sanskrut culture but has really contributed to sanskrut
many of the sanskrut vocabulary has the root deivative of tamil root words-jv

tamil is not solely dependent on sanskrut like other indian /satum languages but still
remains the only indian language which can stand alone with its rich and evolutionary

the classic/semmozhi nature of a language does not simply depend on a present citeria
but how it will sustain itself in its posterity – how it will be conserved/protected/evolved
with ever changing days to come.

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