Finder Keyboard Shortcuts for Macbook OS X

by rajesh 2010-08-18 09:35:53

Finder keyboard shortcuts
Here is the list of keyboard shortcuts on finder. But most of the shortcuts work on other applications too.

Key combination What it does
Command-A --> Select all items in the front Finder window (or desktop if no window is open)
Option-Command-A --> Deselect all items
Shift-Command-A --> Open the Applications folder
Command-C --> Copy selected item/text to the Clipboard
Shift-Command-C --> Open the Computer window
Command-D --> Duplicate selected item
Shift-Command-D --> Open desktop folder
Command-E --> Eject
Command-F --> Find any matching Spotlight attribute
Shift-Command-F --> Find Spotlight file name matches
Option-Command-F --> Navigate to the search field in an already-open Spotlight window
Shift-Command-G --> Go to Folder
Shift-Command-H --> Open the Home folder of the currently logged-in user account
Command-I --> Get Info
Option-Command-I --> Show Inspector
Control-Command-I --> Get Summary Info
Shift-Command-I --> Open iDisk
Command-J --> Show View Options
Command-K --> Connect to Server
Shift-Command-K --> Open Network window
Command-L --> Make alias of the selected item
Command-M --> Minimize window
Option-Command-M --> Minimize all windows
Command-N --> New Finder window
Shift-Command-N --> New folder
Option-Command-N --> New Smart Folder
Command-O --> Open selected item
Shift-Command-Q --> Log Out
Option-Shift-Command-Q --> Log Out immediately
Command-R --> Show original (of alias)
Command-T --> Add to Sidebar
Shift-Command-T --> Add to Favorites
Option-Command-T --> Hide Toolbar / Show Toolbar in Finder windows
Shift-Command-U --> Open Utilities folder
Command-V --> Paste
Command-W --> Close window
Option-Command-W --> Close all windows
Command-X --> Cut
Option-Command-Y --> Slideshow (Mac OS X 10.5 or later)
Command-Z --> Undo / Redo
Command-1 --> View as Icon
Command-2 --> View as List
Command-3 --> View as Columns
Command-4 --> View as Cover Flow (Mac OS X 10.5 or later)
Command-, (Command and the comma key) --> Open Finder preferences
Command-` (the Grave accent key) --> Cycle through open Finder windows
Command-Shift-? --> Open Mac Help
Option-Shift-Command-Esc (hold for three seconds) --> Force Quit front-most application
Command-[ --> Back
Command-] --> Forward
Command-Up Arrow --> Open enclosed folder
Control-Command-Up Arrow --> Open enclosed folder in a new window
Command-Down Arrow --> Open highlighted item
Command-Tab --> Switch application--cycle forward
Shift-Command-Tab --> Switch application--cycle backward
Command-Delete --> Move to Trash
Shift-Command-Delete --> Empty Trash
Option-Shift-Command-Delete --> Empty Trash without confirmation dialog
Spacebar (or Command-Y) --> Quick Look (Mac OS X 10.5 or later)
Command key while dragging --> Move dragged item to other volume/location (pointer icon changes while key is held--see this article)
Option key while dragging --> Copy dragged item (pointer icon changes while key is held--see this article)
Option-Command key combination while dragging --> Make alias of dragged item (pointer icon changes while key is held--see this article)

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