Beauty After Forties
by sabitha[ Edit ] 2010-09-01 12:33:28
There are very few women who keep on looking beautiful even after crossing the age of forty; but these women have cultivated their beauty slowly and gradually through the years and they age gracefully and carry their years as lightly and gaily as Bowers in a buttonhole. In later years, a slim and trim figure adds as much to the look of youth as a youthful skin. To keep your skin slim. eat a fully balanced diet, because after you cross the age of 40 there is a marked decrease in the functional activity of the body. The process of digestion slows down, therefore the fats and the carbohydrate content of the diet should be reduced. Fried foods and dishes of carbohydrates should be avoided.
Beauty use to fade by time so having proper and balance diet is very necessary at this age and very good one to maintain our diet.