Beauty After Twenty five
by sabitha[ Edit ] 2010-09-01 12:34:26
A woman having a perfect, petal smooth and rosy complexion is the envy of all women. Wherever she goes, heads turn in her direction in admiration. Such a complexion cannot be acquired without an effort. It has to be cultivated slowly and gradually by nurturing it carefully from within and without. Up to the age of 25 the skin is naturally supple, glowing and alive, but it is after the mid twenties that the skin slowly starts losing its fresh and youthful appearance and acquiring a parched look. This is because the cells deep within the skin layers are no longer able to retain their moisture and the beauty of the skin mainly depends upon the moisture contained in the cells.
The skin which cannot retain its moisture turns dry, rough, dull and wrinkled. Therefore in order to avoid looking prematurely old, you should try to observe a basic skin care routine after you pass your mid twenties so that the cells in your skin can retain maximum moisture and your skin remains firm, moist and young right up to old age.
Yes you are 100% right we should prevent our skin moisturizer with an perfect and right manner if we careless about it we will loose our moisture from skin, so better taking an initial step is necessary one.