Nutritious and Healthy food

by sabitha 2010-09-20 10:37:40

Healthy and nutritious food is very important for maintaining a good health. Healthy food involves, regular and timely food, juices, nuts, snacks and much more. A balanced diet, good food habits are essential for a healthy life.

In the normal course of life, we forget to take necessary nutrition that is required for our body and hence we tend to get into many life style diseases. It is very essential for a person to know and understand the benefits of nature's creation like fruits, vegetables, nuts,etc.

You can find useful articles on nutrition and health benefits of various fruits and vegetables. Read on and add these to your daily life. The value of food is more when it is taken in a systematic manner and also by understanding the benefits of every bite we take.

Apples are rich in vitamins and helps to reduce risks of colon cancer, prostrate cancer and lung cancer. Apple also
Radishes and their greens provide an excellent source of vitamin C and a powerful antioxidant. It has anti-inflammatory properties too. Radish leaves are a good source of calcium. Radishes contain cancer-protective properties.Â
Chives are known for their beneficial effect on the digestive system and blood pressure. Chives are said to reduce the risk of several types of cancers.

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