Enough energy and nutrient tips for your baby

by sabitha 2010-09-20 15:08:11

Pregnancy is a good stage when a women is caring one or more offspring called as an embryo or fatigue inside the womb of a women. Furthermore, this is one of the most terrific stages when a woman is going to born a new life in the universe. Therefore, it is stage when a woman needs an extra care and has to eat for two lives that help them in future. Nowadays, some pregnant women has some doubts that what should they eat while their pregnancy. Here are the following tips were given below that helps them in their pregnancy such as:

· Well, it important for a pregnant lady that she should consume about 300 more calories per day than you normally does (about 2,300 calories total).

· She should eat a variety of foods everyday that helps her to keep a balanced and healthy body.

· She should eat plenty of high fiber foods like whole-grain bread, cereals, rice, pastas, fruits and vegetables.

· She should take enough of vitamins and minerals in her diet as well.

· Drink or eat at least four serving of dairy or calcium products to ensure that she is getting at least 1000-1300 mg of necessary calcium.

· She should eat one source of Vitamin A everyday. Good sources of Vitamin A incorporate carrots, pumpkins, spinach, sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, beet greens and turnip

· However, it is also important to take at least one good source of Vitamin C in the form of oranges, grapefruit, cauliflower, strawberries, broccoli, lemon, and papaya and honey dew.

· Last but not least that each pregnant woman should have to take 0.4mg of folic acid per day that protect their baby from developing neural tube defects such as spina bifida. There are many foods are available that contains folic acid such as dark green leafy vegetables, lima beans, black-eyed peas, chickpeas and black beans.
Sometimes, pregnant women can become deficient in iron, so make sure that you have plenty of iron-rich foods. Some Good sources of iron include red meat, pulses, bread, fortified breakfast cereals.

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