2010 Daylight Savings Time Dates

by Nithya 2010-11-01 20:44:50

Fall Back Time Change 2010

Thanks to changes made by President George Bush several years ago, there has been a great confusion about the end of daylight savings time and when it occurs. So when do Americans and Canadians fall back this year?

The switch from daylight savings time to standard time this year will occur on Sunday, November 7. The change typically occurs at 2am local time and clocks are reverted back by one hour. The purpose of daylight savings time was to help farmers and outdoor laborers gain extra use of the daylight hours.

The European continent has already switched back to standard time, as they continue to honor the switch during the last weekend in November. Daylight savings time is not observed in Arizona, Hawaii, and most of the US Territories including Guam, Samoa, and Puerto Rico.

In order to avoid last minute confusion, it is recommended that people set their clocks back one hour before they go to sleep on Saturday evening.

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